Hey Beauty, I’m Carolyn!


And I know something without a doubt…


The way you’re feeling - your physical and emotional health - depends largely on the level to which your daily choices are aligned with the desires of your body and soul. 


When you learn to make aligned choices…


…With guidance and practice, you can achieve the body, mind and joy that you’re yearning for.  This is the premise that I based my own healing on and it’s the core of everything I share and support you with. 

start learning

Whether you’re struggling with weight, your hormones are driving you crazy or your skin is a mess…

Your pain has a common thread - misaligned choices are creating more inflammation that is keep you sick, tired, and confused… (or all of the above). And most of the time it’s unconscious - you don’t even realise you're making ‘choices’… it’s just what you’ve always done. What everyone has always done. And it stinks, just ask your gut!

But with the right support, information and a connected relationship with your body, it is absolutely possible to stop the cycle of inflammation, find your calm

and feel AMAZING, now! 

You’ve been led astray for a long time!

You’ve been told there are magic bullets, that someone else can fix you, that what you eat doesn’t matter and that you don’t need to change anything but your medication to feel better. And it’s made you feel really powerless and confused. Let’s start simplifying with a few home truths…

Your body, your needs and your capacity to hold yourself while you heal is unique. There is NO one size fits all and there is no single aspect of your health that needs attention. There are many aspects of your life seeking alignment. 

There is no vitality in a one size fits all prescription

It’s essential that we nourish Three keys to Your vitality

Each of the keys is of equal impactful on you finally THRIVING, instead of just surviving. Find out more in My Vision, just below.

There’s no point in radical dieting when your nervous system is shot

There’s no benefit in kickboxing when your body is exhausted. There’s no use in meditating all day long if your go-to is wine and cheese. You need a whole body approach - one that’s gentle and loving and aligned with your unique needs.

I firmly believe your body knows how to heal itself

Why am I so certain?

Because I’ve healed myself through a bunch of stuff, including a pretty horrific skin condition. 

Twenty years ago I was a mess. I was completely disconnected from my body and what it needed. I was drinking alcohol, addicted to sugar and burning the candles at both ends – big time! I knew I needed to make changes, and that I wanted to feel better, but I had no idea what that looked like or how to start. I just knew I needed to start…. so I started somewhere. I stumbled, and I got up again. I learned and I failed. Studying, researching, throwing tens of thousands of dollars down the drain in pursuit of healing.

It’s taken me 21 years to fill my toolbox with practices, wisdom and a mindset that really does work, and my commitment is to never stop learning, and never stop expanding with knowledge and ideas that I can pass on to you.   

But I don’t want you to wait 21 years – I want you to make as much progress as you can and listen to the messages your body is giving you so that you can start thriving now. I know that I can help you do that.  

my vision for you

Together we will…



the nurturing of your nervous system



the health of your gut and reduce inflammation



the vitality of the food you’re consuming

When we work together you’ll come to understand how simple health can be; Discover what YOUR body needs in order to feel truly alive; Embrace easy practices that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE; and Make easy switches so you can eat unlimited amounts of the foods that make your body shine.

Fun Facts About Me

When I was trying to heal my skin I tried EVERYTHING:


I lived on watermelon for 26 days


I took psychotropic medication


I had therapy to reverse my sphincters


I slept with honey on my face


I had to keep my poop in a tin for days

Listen in

to this juicy conversation about how to have unwavering courage and confidence by supporting yourself with gentle practices and by using the Yoga Collection Kit. In this podcast you will learn;

How to build your confidence

How to use the Yoga Collection Kit to feel grounded and unwavering in your centre

How to be comfortable in speaking your truth

ready for vitality?

Explore our Courses and choose ‘the one’

ready for some reading?

Browse The Blog for Inspiration