The Essential Oil Rebellion

Natural solutions for healthier living

When it comes to medicine, I’ll take what nature provides every day of the year - be that a diet full of life-force foods, the healing vibration of being in nature itself, or in the potent form of certified pure essential oils.

The time honoured ancient wisdom of plant oils is increasingly backed by scientific research.

Even so, in a world in which big pharma has taken centre stage and goes to great lengths to hide the truth about your body’s ability to heal, embracing essential oils as plant medicine is practically an act of rebellion. And it’s a rebellion I stand for, wholeheartedly, given the extraordinary benefits and support that my family and now my growing community of oil loving families experience.

Supporting and educating the Abundant Oils Community is one of my greatest joys - I get to witness major shifts in the physical and emotional health of mamas and their families as they embrace essential oils and replace toxic products all over their home. I’m talking MAJOR health shifts that result in happier, healthier and more balanced humans needing less medication, less intervention, less expenditure on ‘health’ appointments. That’s a snapshot of what I see from the women in my community every day. They are bloody REBELS and they’re loving it! 

Why dōTERRA?

If I’m putting oils around, on and in my body and my children, they had better be pristine.

dōTERRA’s oils are the most tested, most pure and most trusted essential oils on the planet. Extensive analysis and comparative studies by the independent researchers, APRC, shows that there are no other oils as pure and powerful as dōTERRA’s. A research project from Roseman University of Health Sciences showed that dōTERRA’s oils produced quantifiable and replicable biological activity (eg. pathways in cell growth and rejuvenation, metabolic health, and healthy inflammatory responses) that could not be reproduced with synthetic oils. Studies further confirmed that the effects were specific to dōTERRA essential oils and that essential oils from different competitors had minimal effects.

Join me in the Essential Oil Rebellion

I support a community of over 1,000 families across 7 countries as more and more humans embrace natural solutions for healthier living.

Our community is beautifully connected online with weekly sessions, incredible resources and endless inspiration (no use having essential oils on the shelf if you don’t know how to use them in relevant ways for your family, right?). If you don’t already have dōTERRA wholesale access or you haven’t used your account for a while, you can join us too!

Ready to be a rebel?

Not sure where to start?

Relax babe, I’ve got you covered.  Let’s have a chat, work out what your key challenges are and which oils or starter pack are most likely to serve you well. 

Simply send me a message and I’ll be in touch asap. Lord knows, I love a chat!

If you know what kind of products you want to get started with…

Head to this link and follow the prompts to create your wholesale account (no obligation to re–purchase).  When it asks for your enroller’s number, simply add #452220, that’s me!  

Having me as your enroller simply means that you get to join my Abundant Oils Community where we play, learn, connect and rebel with our beautiful oils and an epic collection of resources, together.