the Ultimate Experience for your heart, soul & nervous system

in three blissful locations

Honey, I see you taking care of all the people

You’re working, you’re taking care of a family, you’re supporting friends and community, keeping your ducks in a row…. where’s the time for YOU?

It’s not uncommon for women to put themselves last - I watched my mum do it for decades. And as I grew up and started working, busy-ness was a badge of honour. The longer my to-do list and the more multi tasking I participated in, the more important I felt, the more I believed I was successful…. BUT…. it was taking a toll on my body, BIG TIME… in ways I wouldn’t even know about for years to come.

If we look around, there is a pandemic of women sacrificing their own health for their family, a career, an income… I know we’ve got it wrong.

And it has to stop.

Slowing down is medicine: When you think you’re moving slow, move even slower.

sarah campbell

we’re living frantic lives in a chaotic world

As a modern woman, your reality is …

➞ I can’t get a moment to myself

I feel the same, often! Because the kids need me, dinner has to be cooked, I’m running a business and helping women and other business owners every day, my darling mum wants to chat and my husband can’t find the pesto. But the truth is NO ONE is coming to save me. If I don’t make space for myself, it’s not happening. You have to schedule it, you must know that you are worth it. You’ll be a better human, mum, worker, friend, lover and besides, who will find the pesto if you’ve collapsed from fatigue?

➞ ‘How can i justify a whole day for me?’

Let’s break this down… on average you’re spending thousands of hours each year looking after everyone else. So who is looking after you? 5.5 hours is a small but incredibly effective way to nourish your nervous system and help you fill your empty cup.

➞ I don’t have TIME to slow down

I know right? Your schedule is HECTIC! And if you keep on going at this pace, with this degree of neglect where will you be in 6 months? 2 years? 10 years? The point is, that if whatever you’re neglecting now isn’t disappearing, it’s building up within you and it’s coming to back to bite you. In other words if you don’t listen now, your body will find louder and louder ways of getting you to slow down, and it won’t be pretty.

it takes one to know one…..

Every health issue I’ve experienced stems from an unwillingness to slow down and nourish my nervous system…

and I ‘m not the only one… if you’re really honest with yourself, you can most likely relate.

But it’s not our fault. We’ve grown up in a serious hustle culture... we’ve been told to suck it up and push on. Well, I am calling BULLSHIT on all of it. There’s no point to any of it if you’re too exhausted to enjoy it, too traumatised to be present.

It took some pretty tough moments for me to draw the line in the sand… I sat in a lot of discomfort before I got strong enough and wise enough to say:

‘enough. me now. me first.’ .

What’s the big deal with your Nervous System anyway?

Your nervous system is the epicentre of your entire health Journey: past, present & future.

The relationship between your nervous system and your gut health dictates your emotional wellbeing and every other aspect of your health (hormones, skin, immunity, sleep, focus, inflammation - I’m talking ALL the things). A nervous system that is dysregulated cannot manage weight, cannot regulate hormones, will not heal and can never thrive.

Given our frantic pace of living, our bodies are at risk of sliding into long term disarray (I’m looking at you, auto-immune conditions) if we DON’T re-prioritise, now!

it’s time to find our


It’s only when we slow down and let go, that we can create space to receive the nurturing our bodies and nervous systems are so deprived of.

The Bliss Retreat is the ultimate day of restoration and calm.

In 5.5 hours we make more progress regulating your nervous system than you’ll make in a month of sundays.

There is nothing required of you, no expectations, no processes .. simply arrive and all is taken care of …

as you let the healing unfold

What’s included…

✔ 5.5 Hours of Sheer Bliss

Guidance from experts in all manner of healing work ensure your day is luscious. Your day may include restorative yoga, meditation, chanting, reiki, sound journey, massage and more.

✔ Connection With Like Souls

Let’s face it - not everyone thinks like us. When you come to a Bliss Retreat you’re sharing space with wonderful women who are embracing their worth and who desire to come back into balance. I’ve seen incredible friendships blossom at Bliss.

✔ Simple Tools for Mindfulness

In each Bliss Retreat you’ll walk away with a pocketful of calming tools that you can return to in any moment. Building a whole toolkit of effective yet simple practices starts when you are relaxed enough to learn!

✔ Delicious, High Vibration Plant Food

You’ll be served a gorgeous light lunch created with love and care, using the best and most nutritious ingredients. Snacks and sacred cacao are also served. This is bliss for your belly too!

Sacred Cacao

The highest quality, superb Sacred Cacao is used, hand crafted in Australia from cacao collected by a women’s co-operative in Guatamala.

✔ Unplugging From it All

The simple gift of disconnection from your fast paced life should not be underestimated. How often do you intentionally spend a day ‘off grid’ and in nature? Removing yourself from the chaos is a powerful reset indeed.

✔ Essential Oil Medicine

Certified Pure Essential Oils carry with them an incredibly high vibration and the potential to amplify your soothing and healing experience. We use doTERRA oils throughout the day with hands on experiences to elevate your bliss.

  • Thank you so much for a truly nourishing and healing day. There’s absolutely nothing I would’ve changed - It was sensational!


  • It was absolutely perfect, everything about it…EVERYTHING!


  • Thank you for the most beautiful day… it exceeded my expectations and soothed my soul so much I can hardly believe


  • I am so grateful. I was able to stay calm when someone quit in the midst of a huge project and I didn’t go into fight or flight because I felt so good after Bliss.


Hi! I’m Carolyn

I’ve curated a truly luscious experience that will deeply soothe and nourish your entire body especially your nervous system.

Why? Because you are worthy of the greatest support, nurturing, calm and clarity, and I know that this will contribute greatly.

Given how influential the nervous system is on your entire health future, wouldn’t you agree that it’s a pretty awesome place to start?

the steps

Together we will…



Your dysregulated nervous system which dictates your health


Make Space

for the rest, nurturing and rejuvenation that your body is yearning for



with your soul, remembering who you are and what is most important

The health of the body often reflects the health of the spirit.

sarah Campbell

Bliss Retreat Byron Bay

May 19th 2024 - now on sale

* If you’re a member of our Abundant Oils Community, use the code BLISSME at checkout for your discount

Bliss Retreat Melbourne

May 25th 2024 - now on sale

* If you’re a member of our Abundant Oils Community, use the code BLISS at checkout for your discount

Bliss Retreat Other Locations


* If you’re a member of our Abundant Oils Community, use the code BLISS at checkout for your discount

And I said to my body softly, ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath and replied, ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this’.

Nayyirah Waheed

find your bliss

Confirm Your Bliss Retreat Here

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