going deep to go home

It’s not rocket science, it’s the remembering of Long forgotten wisdom that transformed my life and will transform your life too. 

Is your life just as you imagined?

Do you have the relationships, the body, the career and the abundance that you dreamed of?

If you’re anything like most of the people I speak with, there is at least one area (maybe all areas) that is sadly lacking in your life. If that’s you - please know you’re not alone. Very few people are satisfied with their life.

But also, know this. If you want something better, you need to do something better. If you want to elevate your life, you need to elevate your thoughts, actions and energy.

There comes a point in each of our lives when we need the support of someone who has already navigated the path we are travelling down.

The health of the body reflects the health of the spirit

sarah campbell

I’ve heard them all before…

babe you are unique but your thoughts are not

➞ ‘I’m not sure how I got here but it’s not where I want to be’

I hear this ALL THE TIME. We’ve unconciously arrived in a place with our health and lifestyle that we don’t want to be… it’s time to get clarity around where you DO want to be, and a plan to get there.

➞ ‘i’m stuck. it’s too late/hard to elevate anything now’

Listen lady, I don’t care how old you are, how shitty your life feels right now, or how many symptoms you are experiencing - YOU CAN CHANGE your life, starting right now. Starting today! I know it seems hopeless some days (I’ve been a hot mess in tears on the bathroom floor ALOT) but I promise you, there is infinite hope when you shift your focus & get the right support.

➞ ‘I’ve been told that there is no way to change this’

Yeahhhhhhhh I‘ve been told that more times that I care to remember. I was told that I’d have auto-immune disease forever. That I must use heavy steroid creams and toxic medication to heal my skin, that I’m not qualified to help women change their lives… get used to the nay sayers and doing it anyway!


Can I share something personal with you?

When I turned 40 my life looked pretty perfect from the outside… a very loving husband, 2 gorgeous children, designer clothes… we moved to Byron Bay to live the dream.

But I was spiralling, uncontrollably, physically and emotionally. The reality was that despite making what I thought were all the right health choices, my skin was HIDEOUS. Yes I was miserable in my job, yes our financial abundance had collapsed, yes I was trying to hold it all together in a new town with new people that I wanted to like me…. I could hide the feelings, but my face told the real story. It was bright red, covered in rosacea and acne, inflamed and painful all the time.

My body was a pure reflection of the health of my spirit.

I didn’t know how to listen to my body back then …

If I just took enough medication and tried enough treatments I would fix my problem, right?

If there was a gold medal for disconnecting body and soul I was on that podium. I had successfully denied the feelings, the emotional pain, the state of my nervous system (does this sound familiar?) and was begging someone else to do the fixing work for me.

So why was it getting worse, not better? The more obsessed I became with finding the right protocol the more extreme my skin. I was very depressed, I wouldn’t leave the house and for years there are no photos of me.

So i embarked on a (loooong) journey of healing my skin

Although there was a tugging in my heart that there must be a better way, I spent the next 5 years of my life and at least $10,000 seeking the answer outside of my body. I was looking for someone else to cure me, praying for a pill, a healer, a treatment, a therapy, a diet, a cream, THE MIRACLE that would make me radiant again.

I remember my birthday clearly. Another ‘expert’ handed me another miracle cream and another diet. It was exactly opposite to the diet I’d just done for 6 weeks that left me starving, skinny & mentally unstable. 

I lay on the floor and cried my eyes out. There was SO MUCH PAIN … and then a beam of clarity where I realised:

Seeking healing outside of myself was useless.

From that moment something inside of me shifted. I prayed that I might find a way to heal myself, and, as we so often do, I made a deal with the universe that if I could heal myself, I would help as many other women as I possibly could to learn to heal their bodies too. I would take the steps I learned, the guidance I was given and I would share it far and wide to any woman who wanted to reconnect with her innate healing wisdom.

i stand here today fulfilling my promise.

It took a radical shift away from what I’d been told a body needed to heal, to actually transform my heart, my body and my skin.

then in the most unlikely of moments…


It turns out that all those treatments, medications and ‘experts’ were taking me further away from myself and my capacity to heal my body.

What I needed was within me all along, but the messaging I’d been given, and the fear I was in, kept my capacity to heal eluding me.

It’s only when I came home to faith in my body and trust in myself that I was able to make progress.

what did i do? 

I learned to listen to my body, understanding that the symptoms I experienced and the way I looked was a deep reflection of the state of my nervous system. I came to appreciate that my body was in a constant flux of information, constantly informing me as to whether or not the choices I was making, the thoughts I was thinking, were in alignment with the desires of my body and soul.

I leaned into nature - her healing frequency, her infinite capacity to soothe and hold me, her powerful healing foods, her high vibration essential oils - the plant medicine that has become integral to my vitality.

I changed the opinion and value that I have of myself, the ways that I am grateful, the level of compassion and the belief that I am worthy.

Healing is a practice, not a pill.

carolyn farrow

the steps

Together we will…



your understanding of healing and the relationship between your body and soul



to the guidance that your body is giving you everyday that will bring you back into balance



your life, putting you on track to a masterpiece aligned with your highest potential for vitality and joy

None of this is rocket science, none of it new. It’s the remembering of long forgotten wisdom that has transformed my life, and can transform yours too.


This is for you if…


✔ You want to pay attention to the messages of your body and soul

✔ You are ready to be curious about your symptoms and willing to take more responsibility for your own health

✔ You’re excited to unlearn the mainstream ‘health’ narrative and embrace new possibilities

✔ You are ready to become the person you were born to be


This is not for you if…


✘ You would prefer a prescription to a practice

✘ You’re not interested in growing

✘ You’re not curious about your body and root cause healing

✘ You are not willing to get uncomfortable or try something new

This is a path I take seriously. Do you?

Elevated Health Coaching is by application only - it is so important that we’re a great fit, right? So while I’ve shared a little about myself here, I would so love to learn about you. Won’t you please tell me a little about your journey and desires too?

With Elevated Health Coaching you’ll learn that health can be simpler than you’ve been led to believe.

Discover what YOUR body needs to feel truly alive; embrace easy practices that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE; and make simple switches so you can eat unlimited amounts of the foods that make your body shine.

You Deserve To Feel Your Highest & Best

get full support for full IMPACT

  • Fortnightly consults and accountability

  • Tangible goals - clear pathway

  • Meal plans & recipe guides

  • Meditations and tools for regulating your nervous system

  • Voxer check-ins between phone calls

  • Complimentary ticket to Bliss Day Retreat or Let’s Glow Cleanse


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