Eat To Heal 

it’s weightloss like you’ve never experienced it before

Your High Vitality, Low Inflammatory Path Back to the Body You Love

Hey babe, you’ve arrived.

And I’m excited to celebrate you living with the greatest vitality and joy possible.

That might seem out of reach right now because of the symptoms you feel each day that are holding you back from being your best.  The aches and the pains, the sleepless nights, the hormone issues, the skin problems, the focus challenges, the brain fog, the extra weight (yes, this is just another symptom), the bloating, the chronic fatigue, the inflamed joints are dragging you down.

And when we dig deeper, there might be more than we care to admit. The truth is alot of the time we’re so used to feeling a certain way that we’ve forgotten it’s not normal.

Here's a shocking reality. Most of us wait until we have AROUND TWENTY UNWANTED SYMPTOMS and at least 1 auto-immune condition BEFORE we bother seeking help. 

Allow me to let you in an a little secret.

(And you’ll never hear this from a doctor….)

Almost every single auto-immune condition you’ve been struggling with, every symptom, every ‘mystery’ illness and diagnosis was entirely preventable and is able to be reversed. Naturally. 

You see, your symptoms are just feedback. They’re input from your body in response to the choices you’ve made (sometimes unconsciously) and the life you’ve lived in the past. And as you age, the noise gets louder, your symptoms become more meancing, more serious, unless you do something! Your symptoms and your diagnoses are caused by a million different things…. Yet they can all be boiled down to one thing - INFLAMMATION!

Inflammation is the cause of all symptoms and the beginning of all dis-ease.

How do we know the best next steps to take to start turning that around and taking back control of our health?

A cleanse is a brilliant option.  It gets you off to a great start, helps you clear the cellular junk that is not serving you. 

But it’s not sustainable, it’s not real life.  After all, the habits you repeat every single day, determine the level of inflammation that resides in your body. (By the way, if you’ve done a recent cleanse, like Let’s Glow, on your way here, congratulations, you’ve cleared the path and now you’re ready to find your way home).

So what can we do about it?

It’s time we acknowledged that being overweight (or underweight) is just one more symptom of living an acidic life. And it can be resolved with the right support for your nervous system, your gut & your mind.

So what’s the plan?

You need

to understand that the choices you make - the thoughts you entertain, the food you eat, the sleep you’re not getting, the relationships you’re struggling in, the stress you’re under - are directly making you sick, tired and overweight. 

You want

to choose better, with ease and confidence so that you can feel the vitality and radiance you were born to.  But how?  There is so much misinformation and disinformation, so many fads, so many distractions.  It’s so confusing!

You’d love

a roadmap that, using proven techniques, shows you how to get rid of inflammation, symptoms, and excess weight for good, and say hello to more energy and joy.


Over the years I have spent thousands of hours dedicated to learning about food, inflammation, stress, healing …and how they all connect.

I healed myself from multiple autoimmune conditions and a long list of symptoms (when none of the ‘experts’ could) using simple and gentle techniques, and I’m helping you to do the same.  

Over the course of the last 20 years I’ve done the research and the testing for you, so that you can relax knowing you’ll never need to do guesswork around what serves your body ever again.   I’ll share with you what serves and what sabotages (right down to the very brands I buy and meditations I use), and I’ll teach you how to listen to your body so that you hear the clues it’s giving you clearly AND so that you know what to do about it. 


Eat To Heal

Eat To Heal ⋆


I’ve created a 21 day blueprint for living, with delicious, easy recipes and healing rituals designed to

help eliminate inflammation, symptoms & Excess weight, forever.

You’ll learn the truth about food so that you can make choices that continue to energise you, heal your symptoms and help you lose weight (if needed) while living your REAL LIFE in the REAL WORLD.

Eat To Heal is not a cleanse, it's your blueprint to lifelong vitality enabling you to navigate hormonal shifts and aging with verve. It’s you saying goodbye to inflammation, symptoms, and excess weight for good. It’s you becoming more discerning and confident to know what is right for your body in real life, so that you have more energy, more freedom, more joy and more life. It's time to take control of your health and embrace a brighter, healthier future – starting now.

Eat To Heal is the process of awakening to the guidance of your body, the wisdom of your nervous system and the very real possibility that health can be simpler than you’ve been led to believe.

It’s weightloss, but not as you know it.

What’s included…

✔ 21 Days of Delicious

Experience the transformative power of real food tailored to support your hormonal balance, gut health, and radiant skin. Each day, savour meals bursting with vitality and flavour, meticulously crafted to heal and energise.

This isn't just about shedding pounds – it's about feeling empowered, regulated, and wise for life. Say goodbye to deprivation and hello to sustainable, nourishing habits.

It’s weightloss but not as you know it.

Flexible Membership Options

Your registration includes 6 weeks access to the Eat To Heal Members Site (resources) and our uplifting online community. Use this time to prepare and participate fully in the 21-day program. Then, if you choose, you can extend your membership for a small monthly fee and continue reaping the benefits. Life is about choices that serve you, and here, you have the freedom to decide how long you stay and how much you gain from this transformative journey.

You can also choose from 2 payment options - pay in full or make 3 fortnightly payments.

✔ Eat To Heal PlayBook & Protocol

Your essential companion is packed with interactive guides, comprehensive insights into nutrition, body awareness, and nervous system support, alongside your 21-day roadmap for eliminating inflammation. It offers clear direction, unwavering certainty, delicious recipes, quality ingredient lists, and brand names that have earned our trust. Enough counting calories & wondering about macros – we're demystifying it all once and for all.

✔ Bonus Content

Elevate your experience with exclusive meditations and movement guides designed specifically for the Eat To Heal community. These resources will amplify your results and nurture your nervous system, helping you achieve deeper levels of healing and well-being.

✔ Monthly Live Calls

Expand your growth with Masterclasses on topics crucial to your ongoing vitality. From Hormone Health to Mindful Eating, Eating Out, Intermittent Fasting and beyond, we’ll delve into all aspects of wellness, providing you with actionable insights and strategies to optimise your health journey.

Eat To Heal Online Support Group

Step into our vibrant online hub, where connections flourish, challenges are supported and victories are celebrated. The camaraderie and understanding you'll find here are invaluable, providing a sense of belonging and motivation to keep going. Plus, benefit from regular updates, recipe tips, and insights directly from me to keep your momentum strong.

✔ Optional Fasting Content

For those who want to dip their toes into intermittent or autophagy fasting, I’ve included the space and know how that enables you to feel safe, confident and supported to fast on select days of the program.

✔ Monthly Q&A

Have burning questions? Get answers live each month during our Q&A sessions. Gain clarity, deepen your understanding, feel your confidence and wisdom soar as you navigate your health journey with expert guidance and support.

I am over the moon! You’ve shown me it’s all about consistency and how to change the stress in my life. My weight is down and for the first time in years I can see it. Starting to get my curves back, the bloat and inflammation are physically moving! THANK YOU.


My Mission

is to empower you to transform your connection with food, stress and your body so that you can reclaim your vitality, eliminate your symptoms and feel absolutely amazing in a life and a body you love!

Through time-tested strategies for elevating your gut health, nurturing your mind, and supporting your nervous system, you can start reducing inflammation and its impact on your body, today.

Thank you Carolyn! Words just can’t describe how your energy, knowledge, willingness to teach others & generosity with your time has impacted mine and many other’s lives.


Are You Ready To Take The First Step? 

Eat To Heal is open for registration now.  The REAL LIFE transformation is just a click away!

Want a sneak peak of what’s in store for your belly?





In Eat To Heal you’ll come to know how simple health can be.

Discover what YOUR body needs in order to feel truly alive; embrace easy practices that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE and make easy switches so you can eat unlimited amounts of the foods that make your body shine.


Is Eat To Heal a cleanse?

Absolutely not. Eat To Heal is a lifestyle designed for the real world. While we do bid farewell to foods that trigger inflammation, we also indulge in hearty meals that truly satiate and nourish your body – including snacks and real treats. You won't feel hungry or deprived on this journey.

What if I dislike certain meals or ingredients?

No worries! Eat To Heal offers flexibility. Feel free to repeat meals you love or skip ones that don't excite you. Our recipes and meal plans prioritise plant diversity and hormone support. And if you prefer to swap meals around, go ahead – it won't impact your experience.

I have a special event coming up, can I still do Eat To Heal PROPERLY?

Of course! Eat To Heal is tailored for real life, and I've included Flexi Meal options precisely for occasions like yours. So go ahead, enjoy your special event with peace of mind – you're covered.

How do I stay connected to the support community after my initial month?

At the end of your first month, I'll extend an invitation for you to continue your journey with us if you wish. The longer you engage with Eat To Heal and its supportive community, the more profound your results will be.

Is Eat To Heal only for vegetarians?

While Eat To Heal leans towards a predominantly plant-based experience, I firmly believe in individual choice. I’ll highlight better animal-based proteins for those who prefer them. Your path is yours to choose.

I need more personalised attention and support. How do I get it?

If you're seeking more tailored support, you can book a 1 on 1 consultation HERE with me for clarity on your specific needs & symptoms. Alternatively, you might be interested in my Elevated Health Coaching program, where we delve into holistic healing, addressing not just symptoms but also your specific blocks like trauma, relationships, and self beliefs, guiding you towards a more vibrant life.

Your life can be overflowing with vitality and joy if you choose


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