what if feeling healthy and energised was easier than you think?

I Help You Eliminate Inflammatioin, Symptoms and Weight So You Can Have The Life & Body You Love Adore


Welcome Home, I’m Carolyn.

Tired of feeling tired? Sick of feeling sick?

Up to your eyebrows with Autoimmune Conditions?  

Stick around babe, I’ll help you break free of inflammation, fatigue and BS so that you feel more energised, light and alive!

read about me 

My Goal

To help you elevate your physical & emotion wellbeing so you can become a Sovereign Health Being.

Could feeling great be easier than you think? 

Do you want to know a secret? Your body knows how to heal itself if you’d stop sabotaging it and give it what it needs!  

Through decades of struggle with ‘auto-immune’ conditions I realised that healing isn’t doing just one thing (like taking a pill or going on a ‘diet’). It’s the culmination of many choices that all have a common purpose - that is, they’re serving you and not sabotaging you. They’re each bringing you closer to your natural state of vitality, radiance and joy. And it’s not as hard as you’ve been led to believe!

If you’re ready to truly serve your body and feel more energised, light and alive, you’re in the right place… I’m committed to helping you thrive. And your future self thanks you.

And I said to my body softly, ‘I want to be your friend’. It took a long breathe and replied ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this’.

Nayyirah Waheed

Let’s get you thriving!

7 day program

Let’s Glow

My signature cleanse has inspired hundreds of women just like you. This fully supported 7-day program helps you achieve vitality and radiance from the inside out. Glow in a group or Glow it alone, it’s the perfect kickstart to your health journey.

IN-PERSON retreats

Bliss Retreat

Join us for a whole day of bliss - just for you! This experience has been carefully curated as luscious nourishment for your senses and soothing for your nervous system. Join us live in Byron Bay and Melbourne (other areas coming soon).

21 day protocol & ongoing support

Eat To Heal

Your blueprint to lifelong vitality has saying goodbye to inflammation, symptoms & excess weight for good. With hormone loving, gut healing food and nervous system support food, you get to take control of your health & embrace a brighter, healthier you.

online coaching

Elevate Health Coaching

Your needs, your body and your goals are unique... and it's not unusual to need extra personalised support to finally make the progress you desire. Let’s get you moving in the right direction.



Steal my Happy Gut Guide

7 Tips for a Good Gut & Great Life

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 I’m here for you

You’re Kind Of A Big Deal Honey. Let’s Get You Thriving.